Coaching Agile Transformation, ICP-CAT

Coaching Agile Transformations (ICP-CAT) with Lean Change Management helps attendees co-create meaningful agile transformation by involving those people affected by the change in the design. You will learn how to apply a feedback-driven approach to transformation and bring together agile practices, lean startup, change management and design thinking to develop an approach to agile transformation.


When you are intending your organisation to become more adaptive, you want to follow an adaptive approach to introducing that change. This depends on engagement from everyone, which is more likely when you make your change people-centred. Rather than adopting an off-the-shelf framework, transformation is sustained by embedding it in current strengths, then working iteratively and incrementally through the problems you are trying to solve. 

Coaching Agile Transformation is a 5 half-day (Virtual) or 3 day (In-Person) experience designed to help you take the best ideas from agile, lean start-up and design thinking to help you live the agile values and principles while transforming your organisation to new ways of working.

The course is a highly interactive combination of instructor led discussions and team-based exercises. It’s not just reading through a slide pack.

Note: To obtain the ICP-CAT certification participants are required to demonstrate knowledge, skills and mindset of an Enterprise Coach. Participants are assessed through a combination of exercises, in-class activities, and showing how to apply the learning outcomes during the course.

Learning Objectives

  • Bringing an agile mind-set to transformation programs and continual change 

  • Understanding organisational culture and alignment

  • Understanding organisation and human change process

  • Learning how to coach and advise leaders

  • Understanding how to work with complexity in organisations

Course Outline

  • Organisational culture: Navigating organisational culture and understanding leadership styles

  • Coaching leaders: How to engage leaders in conversations about culture to create effective change 

  • Dealing with change: Understanding and applying an agile mindset to how organisations and people deal with change 

  • Change strategies: Baselining current state, making the case for change, dealing with organisation impediments, and communicating

  • Learning journeys: How to partner with your learning and development team to roll out an organisation wide program for agile professional development

  • Training from the Back of the Room: Deeply immersive and highly interactive course, whether in person or online; designed using the latest adult learning techniques that recognise and build on your current knowledge


This is an IC Agile accredited course. Participants will receive the Certified Professional in Coaching Agile Transformations (ICP-CAT) certification from IC Agile upon successful completion of this course.


Participants will also be awarded the Agile Explorer digital badge from the Lean Change Management Association (LCMA).


Both awards are easy to include on your LinkedIn profile.


Who is this course for?

  • Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, and Change Managers with experience in Agile Coaching and/or Change Management 

  • While not mandatory, it is recommended that participants have first completed the Enterprise Agile Coaching accreditation.

We also have the Lean Change Foundations course for department heads, team leaders and managers who want to support their organisation adopting agile and lean principles


EPiC Learning Pathways


Why Choose EPiC Agile?


At EPiC, we are proud that our training experience is deliberately different. Our workshops are highly interactive, delivered with minimal slides (in some cases none) and founded on real story telling and experiential learning sessions.

  • We pride ourselves on supporting you to enhance your practical capabilities

  • Our workshops are a combination of instruction-led and team-based exercises

  • Every one of our bespoke agile courses is designed and delivered by our coaches with extensive real-world experience

  • We want to co-create a deliberately different future for companies whom have a desire to change

  • We lead with our core values: Empathy, Passion, Integrity and Community

  • We build human connections and are curious about existing environment constraints 

  • We are also committed to the wider Business Agility Community because we know if we can help you thrive, we will thrive along with you 

  • View our Case Studies and Testimonials


Can I claim PMI PDU’s as part of attending this course?

Attendees may be eligible to apply for PDUs toward their continuing education requirements with the Project Management Institute (PMI), please contact us for details.

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